Michael Garth

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The Lensbaby

Embrace Creativity with Lensbaby Lenses: A Unique Approach to Artful Photography

Captured with a Lensbaby 2.0 lens. The lens was pulled forward to create this effect.

Photography tends to be dominated by the pursuit of precision and technical perfection. However, there exists a niche for those adventurous enough to step off the beaten path and explore alternative avenues of artistic expression. One such way to express your creative side is through Lensbaby lenses. They are known for their distinctive and unconventional approach to photography and offer a refreshing departure from the norm. Lensbaby lenses might be the spark you've been searching for if you're looking to get inspired, energize your creative juices, or maybe bring a touch of artistry and spontaneity to your photography.

The Art of Imperfection

I’ve always been drawn to abstract, impressionism, and other forms of art that tend to use shapes, forms, and colors to convey emotion rather than attempting to represent reality to achieve a feeling from the viewer. Many look to capture moments with a high degree of sharpness and clarity. No doubt there is a time, place, and need for such images. And just look around the web; there is software galore touting how you can make your images sharper than ever, thanks to AI. However, Lensbaby takes a different approach by celebrating the beauty of imperfection. These lenses intentionally introduce distortions, blurs, and unique optical effects to your images, giving them an artistic, dreamlike quality. It's a journey from technical perfection to visual storytelling and emotional impact.

Experimentation and Innovation

Lensbaby encourages photographers to experiment with their craft. Whether tilting the lens for a slice of selective focus or swapping out optic inserts for different effects, these lenses invite photographers to push their creative boundaries. The unpredictability of Lensbaby photography is part of its charm, as you never quite know what the outcome will be. This unpredictability can lead to happy accidents that result in truly unique and captivating images.

Embracing the Organic

In a digital age where post-processing software can manipulate images to perfection, Lensbaby lenses offer a return to the organic and analog aspects of photography. They encourage you to embrace the unexpected and to visualize new ways to present ordinary scenes. This approach fosters a deeper connection between you and the subject, creating more authentic and emotionally resonant images.

Breaking Free from Convention

Lensbaby lenses are a breath of fresh air when I’ve hit a rut or have grown tired of conventional photography norms. There is a sense of freedom, breaking free from the rigidity of traditional techniques and expressing myself in new and exciting ways. While composition and other elements of what makes a good photograph still exist, there is almost a sense of relief when you can put on a Lensbaby lens, take a walk through a familiar or even unfamiliar place, and capture images in a whole new way. It’s likely that your images of a particular object or place will never be represented by someone else in the same way again.

The last word

Lensbaby lenses are not likely for everyone, but this makes them unique. They cater to photographers willing to venture outside their comfort zone and embrace the unexpected. As photographers, by nature, we are creative people. While you might not think a Lensbaby lens is your “thing,” it might be the therapy you need when you hit the wall with your creativity or suffer the dreaded burnout where you don’t even want to look at a camera. Lensbaby lenses offer a less traveled path if you're searching for a unique and alternative approach to creating artful photography. They remind us that photography is not just about capturing reality; it's about interpreting and shaping it in a way that resonates with our (and others) emotions and creativity.

There are numerous photographers who do an outstanding job of storytelling with their Lensbaby photography. I find inspiration from quite a few of those photographers. A great place to start is on the Lensbaby website - here is a link to their Inspiration Center.

Personally, I use a Lensbaby Original lens, Lens 2.o, and the Velvet 56. I have ordered the Composer II and the Double Glass 2 and look forward to shooting with it soon. Visit my gallery page to view images I’ve made with the Lensbaby. Here is the link to images captured with Original and 2.o lenses, and here is the link for images captured with the Velvet 56.